News Articles, Tips & Guides

Early on the PCT
1. Poison Oak
Encountering poison oak or poison ivy is a possibility while hiking the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), as these plants can be found in ce...

PCT Backpacking Questions Answered - 2
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Pacific Crest Trail Q&A (Part 2)
I’m arriving in San Diego, how do I get to the Southern Terminus?
There are 4...

Your Pacific Crest Trail Questions Answered - 1
General PCT Questions
Pacific Crest Trail Q&A (Part 1)
1. How long is the PCT?
The Pacific Crest Trail is ~2,650 miles long.
The Pacific ...

The Sierras: Considerations for a High Snow Year
Has all this snow got you thinking about what the Sierra is going to be like? Are you planning on hiking through or bouncing up to north to NorCal...

Emergency Repair Kit
It happens to everyone at some point - gear fails. It's inevitable. Sometimes it's when the gear is almost new and other times it's that well worn,...

6 Items You Should Start the PCT with but Won’t
Every hiker knows you need a shelter, sleeping bag, and a backpack. Although when I thru-hiked in 2014 I actually met someone on my first day that...

PCT First Aid Kit
What Kind of First Aid Kits are Best for Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail?
First and foremost, as I said in the article “6 Items You’ll Start the PC...

6 Items You’ll Start the PCT with That You Shouldn’t
Everyone starts the PCT with too much gear, it’s like a right of passage - to carry too much stuff for a day, a week, a month. At some point you, a...
8 Tips for Preventing Injury & Making the First 100 Miles of the PCT a Success
The PCT is a journey, not a race. This can’t be overstated enough as you embark upon the first 100 miles of your 2,660-mile hike to Canada. Injur...